
Concierge Treatment

Concierge treatment takes a more individualized approach than traditional therapy. In addition to creating a more intimate environment, Concierge therapy services allow for more comprehensive and attentive care that gives each patient the personalized, detailed, and evidence-based treatment they need.

Illuminated Path is out-of-network with all insurance plans. Not taking insurance allows us to cut out the third parties involved in mental health treatment. As a result, we can streamline care without requirements or interference from insurance companies. If you have an Out-of-Network or PPO insurance plan, however, it is very likely that your insurance provider will reimburse between 50% and 80% of the appointment.

Concierge Treatment revolves around principles of convenience, comfort, privacy, and personalization. These qualities allow us to give clients our undivided attention so that they receive the best care possible. Our concierge psychological services allow you to make an appointment during times that are generally convenient for you: morning, afternoon, evening, and even the weekend. Convenient and flexible scheduling allows clients to fit their care into their busy schedules.

At Illuminated Path, we strive to create a safe, comfortable environment where patients can feel at ease to speak openly and honestly to get the care they need to live a purposeful and fulfilling life.


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